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Published on August 22, 2024


ACT disability bodies have slammed Federal Government proposals to cut supports from the National Disability Insurance Scheme. This comes with the expected passage of legislation today which would hand more power to the NDIA, introduce debt recovery powers and compulsory assessments for participants. 

Craig Wallace A/g CEO at Advocacy for Inclusion said “while Government would like us to focus on the weird and wonderful like crystals and tarot cards the reality is the changes on the table are more far reaching than many people realise.   

“For instance, there are sweeping and troubling exclusions of health, support and mental health services. The list excludes menstrual products plus generators and batteries people use to charge their wheelchairs or keep ventilators going.  Excluding general appliances like smart whitegoods will push people into costly alternatives. 

“We’ll see all kinds of weird outcomes from this in the hands of bureaucrats like people being pushed towards highly specialised equipment to shower instead of a $20 stool that does the same job or paying a person to clean a house instead of buying a robotic vacuum that could help someone do it independently.

“Instead of removing choice from individuals and handing control to Governments we advocated through the NDIS Review for sustained attention to provider quality, fraud and price gouging while helping people become informed and discerning consumers. 

“The way these changes are being rammed through does not bode well for the promised co-design approach as the NDIS Bill moves through the Parliament. It’s a very rushed process with some consultation material for people with intellectual disability only released late last week”, Mr Wallace concluded. 

The consultation closes 5pm Sunday 25 August and AFI is encouraging Canberrans with a disability to have their say:

Media Contacts

Craig Wallace, A/g CEO on 0477 200 755.