Advocacy for inclusion has made a comprehensive submission to the 2023/24 ACT Budget community consultation process. AFI offers the ACT Government and community a set of detailed recommended funding and investment packages and initiatives which deliver the intent of Government Strategies for people with disability including the ACT Disability Strategy, the ACT Disability Health Strategy, the Disability Justice Strategy and the ACT Inclusive Education Strategy. We also urge investments which address gaps in disability support and lift universal design and accessibility in housing, transport and the urban realm amidst the planning review and Canberra’s rapid change and city development. In addition we emphasise the continuing need to mitigate the continuing impacts of COVID and unintended consequences from legislation on Voluntary Assisted Dying. Finally, we seek targeted funding to facilitate disability rights approaches to climate change and waste reduction as well as a transition of I-Day to community control in the ACT.
We offer a comprehensive set of measures and initiatives which matches the ambition of the stated reform agenda and the magnitude of the disadvantage, barriers, issues and opportunities which face us as we improve the wellbeing and circumstances of people with disability into 2023/24. This context includes identified needs for improvements to health, justice and education and to adequately respond to the listening report for the ACT Disability Strategy. In addition it responds to the ACT’s housing crisis and high cost of living pressures, the realities of a city undergoing rapid change in its infrastructure planning and transport, the experience of services under strain, the ongoing consequences of COVID19 as well as consequential legislative change. Our submission includes an outline, a shared statement from ACT Disabled Peoples Organisations and Disability Representative Organisations, along with ACTCOSS, and then a more detailed measure-by-measure table which contains specific fundable measures and a rationale for each in turn. We encourage our members and stakeholder to consider supportive submissions to the ACT Budget Consultation. You can lodge a submission or complete a survey on the ACT Governments website here: https://yoursayconversations.act.gov.au/2023-24-budget-consultation