Welcome to our ACT Election Information 2024!
Voting at this year’s election is open from 8 October 2024 with election day being Saturday 19 October 2024.
AFI are active in this election providing information to people with disability about policies, candidates and the voting process. We are also an engaged part of consultations to ensure the election is fully accessible and that people with disability can exercise our franchise including through the ACT Electoral Accessibility Advisory Accessibility Committee. This work includes ensuring materials about voting are clear, accessible and provide positive information about being involved in the voting process. We are also involved in work to set up a Low Sensory Early Voting Centre.
We are building this election hub in partnership with Elections ACT to provide information to Canberrans with disability about enrolment, the electoral process and voting.
Why is voting important?
It is your right to vote.
Everyone must vote who is
- over the age of 18 years
- an Australian citizen
Article 29 of the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities outlines that
people with disability must be afforded the right and opportunity to vote on an equal basis with others.
Voting information
To help you to obtain voting information and cast your vote we provide this information from Elections ACT. While every effort is made to have current information, for the most up-to-date information please visit the Elections ACT website: www.elections.act.gov.au
The resources include:
General Election Information – English: A general election guide containing information on the ACT Electorates, how to enrol to vote or update your enrolment information and voting material including assistance voting, which we have also included below.
Electronic Voting: A step-by-step guide on how to vote electronically at a polling place.
Fact Sheet – Telephone Voting: A step-by-step guide on how to vote by telephone in the ACT election. https://www.elections.act.gov.au/elections/our-electoral-system/elections-in-the-act/technology-assisted-voting-and-counting/telephone-voting
Information on how to find an accessible polling station: All Early Voting Centres and on-the-day-only centres have assisted access. Additional detailed information on accessibility is provided once the centre locations are confirmed.
In addition, the Household Brochures, which are delivered to each household in late September and in October, prior to the election, will have information.
How to ask for assistance: Prior to the election, voters are welcome to contact Elections ACT via telephone or email to seek clarification. On the day they vote, assistance is available by any Elections ACT representative, but may most directly be sought by those wearing green vests, which has been initiated to more easily identify specific people to provide assistance.
Low Sensory Early Voting Centre:
The Low Sensory voting centre is designed to provide a quieter, calmer location for neurodiverse voters to cast their vote. The centre is located in the Canberra Museum and Gallery building, next to Canberra Theatre, and open during the same hours as other Early Voting Centres. Only paper ballots will be issued at this centre. Adjustments such as fewer voting screens with increased space between, natural lighting, a waiting room for those who need to take a moment before or after they vote, and staff trained to respond to electors with neurodiverse needs will be in place.
Elections ACT have released further details, including opening hours, for the Low Sensory Early Voting Centre. You can check it out here
More information
For more general information on how to vote in the ACT Election you can
Phone Elections ACT on 6205 0033
Email elections@act.gov.au
Visit www.elections.act.gov.au